House For Rent 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom
Near Cheangmon Beach
Pailam bophut Koh Samui Suratthani
Area 130 sq m.
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom
Fully furnished
There is a kitchen and a living room.
Free Wifi
Parking area
Rent 27,000-30,000 Baht/Month
No pets of any kind
Convenient travel on many routes
Chaeng Mon Beach only 5 minutes
Phra Yai Market only 5 minutes
Central Department Store 10 minutes
Chaweng Beach only 10 minutes
Convenient entrance and exit, can enter and exit in many ways, near many tourist attractions
Contract For Information
+6682-517-4959 (Khun Mod)
+6689-633-1978 (Khun Pan)
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